Two teenagers met many moons ago. They explored the world with the little they had. They enjoyed the most out of every day and together began to dream of a family and a home. Along the way they found a small house on a beautiful piece of property with a barn. The barn would become the workplace to support the home that would house the kids in comfort. A business was started, money came in and the preparations for a lifelong dream of children was in full swing. Years later the stork delivered a baby girl. They named her Hailey. The couple soon found out that this beautiful baby girl would be always little, but would always have a huge heart. The family was started!

A few years later the stork returned and brought a baby boy. They named him Hudson. Hudson was the final addition to the family and the one that made the family complete. The two children became best friends. They received endless love and snuggles which gave them big hearts. They were taught many things that made them curious. They went on many journeys that made them ready to explore some more.  A couple in love, a home, a daughter and a son and the American Dream is complete!